About  Us

Finding the perfect match for diverse teams

At Holistx, we're redefining the role of a recruiter by thoroughly assessing candidate aspirations, professional histories, strengths and the capability to fit within our clients teams.

Our strategy ensures greater job satisfaction and retention, leading to the development of more dynamic, innovative, and effective teams.

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Our Values

What's Important To Us

Values are what keep us grounded and help us make the right decisions.

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Our commitment to honesty builds trust with both clients and candidates.

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Understanding and supporting the unique journey of each candidate.

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Striving for the highest standards in our recruitment processes and outcomes.

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Continuously seeking innovative solutions to enhance the recruitment experience.

Our Mission

Transforming Recruitment

At Holistx, we strive to transform the recruitment landscape by recognising the diverse talents of every candidate. Our goal is to connect progressive companies with well-rounded individuals who contribute not only technical expertise but also valuable personal qualities to their teams.

We are committed to increasing female representation in Technology & Digital by promoting gender diversity. Our strategies help address the gender imbalance in the Technology & Digital landscape, supporting the creation of more inclusive and balanced teams.

Agency Team - Agency X Webflow TemplateOur Team - Agency X Webflow Template

Reach out to us today to build stronger, more inclusive teams that drive success.

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